All Songs

This page lists all the songs at Word to Worship. Click on the letter to show songs starting with it.

Total Songs: 2,480
(4) | 1 (3) | 4 (1) | A (172) | B (135) | C (166) | D (41) | E (55) | F (81) | G (148) | H (174) | I (154) | J (73) | K (21) | L (131) | M (120) | N (55) | O (121) | P (47) | R (74) | S (151) | T (240) | U (22) | V (11) | W (168) | Y (107) | Z (5)
Titlesort descending Star Star Count Author(s) All Tags CCLI View Edit
Table of Grace Anna Hutto, Connie Harrington Anna Hutto, Communion, Connie Harrington, Craig & Dean, Phillips, Welcome, Forgiveness, Grace 2910107 view
Take All Of Me 2 Marty Sampson Marty Sampson, Exaltation, Heaven, Love 4120029 view
Take Heart Joel Houston Joel Houston, Freedom, Praise, Salvation 5409031 view
Take It All Marty Sampson, Matt Crocker, Scott Ligertwood Marty Sampson, Matt Crocker, Scott Ligertwood, Cross, Jesus, Surrender 4705152 view
Take It To The Streets Martin Smith, Matt Redman Martin Smith, Matt Redman, Gospel, Grace, Mission, Truth 4835981 view
Take Me In David Browning Cleanse, Consecrate, David Browning, Holy, Kutless, Petra, Holiness, Righteousness, Tabernacle, Temple 19272 view
Take My Life 10 Scott Underwood Scott Underwood, Comfort, Confession, Dedication, Holiness, Hope, Lent, Life of Jesus, Redemption, Response to Gospel, Sacrifice, Surrender 1617154 view
Take My Life 5 Mac Powell, Brad Avery, David Carr, Mark Lee, Tai Anderson Brad Avery, David Carr, Mac Powell, Mark Lee, Tai Anderson, Third Day, Comfort, Confession, Dedication, Hope, Law, Lent, Mercy, Renewal, Sabbath 2027708 view
Take My Life 1 Chris Tomlin, Frances Ridley Havergal, Henri Abraham Cesar Malan, Louie Giglio Chris Tomlin, Frances Ridley Havergal, Henri Abraham Cesar Malan, Louie Giglio, Surrender, Dedication, Hymn, Stewardship 4162843 view
Take Up Our Cross Curtis Stephan, Marc Byrd, Sarah Hart Curtis Stephan, Marc Byrd, Sarah Hart, Christian Life, Cross, Faith, Sacrifice, Surrender 5358955 view
Take Us To The River 2 Robin Mark Robin Mark, Forgiveness, Mercy, Unity 2607692 view
Tame or Wild Joel Cumby Eucharist Church, Joel Cumby view
Teach Me To Dance Graham Kendrick, Steve Thompson Graham Kendrick, Steve Thompson, Dance, Presence, Worship 1042097 view
Tear Down The Walls Joel Houston, Matt Crocker Joel Houston, Matt Crocker, Adoration, Declaration, Proclamation, Surrender, Worship 5372144 view
Tears in Glory 1 Ascension, Justification, Sanctification view
Tell all the world of Jesus 1 James Edward Seddon James Edward Seddon 2956927 view
Tell the World Joel Houston, Jonathon Douglass, Marty Sampson Joel Houston, Jonathon Douglass, Marty Sampson, Christian Hope, Declaration, Evangelism, Forgiveness, Joy, Mission, Victory in Christ 4451310 view
Teresa Michael Gungor, The Liturgists 7021408 view
Thank You 1 Ben Fielding, Reuben Morgan Ben Fielding, Reuben Morgan, Declaration, Thankfulness 5637487 view
Thank You for Loving Me Tommy Walker Child of God, Jason Breland, Tommy Walker, Adoption, Baptism, God's Love 6580461 view
Thank You For Saving Me 2 Martin Smith Martin Smith, Salvation, Thankfulness 1043168 view
Thank You For The Blood Matt Redman Matt Redman, Atonement, Blood, Redemption, Salvation, Victor 2646718 view
Thank You For The Cross Brenton Brown Brenton Brown, Thankfulness 3447356 view
Thank You For The Cross Mark Altrogge Mark Altrogge, Cross, Thanksgiving 242056 view
Thank You Jah 1 Bob Marley Bob Marley, christian reggae, God, inspiration, Rita Marley, spiritual, Gospel view
That Where I Am There You May Rich Mullins Promise of God, Ragamuffin Band, Rich Mullins, Comfort, Gospel, Promise, Response to Gospel 2587468 view
That's The Way 1 Ashley Cooper Ashley Cooper, christian reggae, inspirational, Rita Marley, spiritual, Gospel view
That's What They Will Do 1 Peter Tosh False Hope, Peter Tosh, Sinner, SinWickedness, Trouble-makers, Enemy, Evil, False Worship, Sin, Wickedness view
That's What We Came Here For Darlene Zschech, Russell Fragar Darlene Zschech, Russell Fragar, Praise, Worthiness 2405241 view
That's Who I Praise Benjamin Hastings, Brandon Lake, Steven Furtick, Zac Lawson Benjamin Hastings, Brandon Lake, Elevation Worship, Steven Furtick, Zac Lawson, Faith, Glory, Power, Praise, Trust, Worship 7243068 view
That's Why We Praise Him 6 Tommy Walker Tommy Walker, Easter, Kingship, Lent, Light, Praise, Redemption, Restoration, Worship 2668576 view
The Answer Shane Barnard Shane Barnard, Love, Searching, Sufficiency 3817780 view
The Answer Ed Cash, Jeremy Camp, Scott Cash Ed Cash, Jeremy Camp, Scott Cash, Help, Savior 7096695 view
The Answer Is Love Fred Bryan christian reggae, Fred Bryan, Fred Bryan & The All Stars with Camille Lewis, inspirational, spiritual, Gospel, Love view
The Battle Belongs To The Lord 1 Jamie Owens-Collins Jamie Owens-Collins, Petra, The Maranatha Singers, Victory, Warfare 21583 view
The Beauty of God's Plan 1 Dee Lee McNeil, Claude Samarel christian reggae, Claude Samarel, Dee Lee McNeil, God, inspirational, Love of God, men, Rita Marley, spiritual, Women, Gospel view
The Beauty Of Simplicity Josh White Josh White, Love, Praise, Thankfulness 4167178 view
The Bells of St. Mary's 1 A. Emmett Adams, Douglas Furber A. Emmett Adams, christian, Douglas Furber, inspirational, spiritual, Vera Lynn, Gospel view
The Best Part Gungor 7003250 view
The Blessing 1 Chris Brown, Cody Carnes, Kari Jobe, Steven Furtick Chris Brown, Cody Carnes, Kari Jobe, Steven Furtick, Benediction, Blessing, Faithfulness, Prayer 7147007 view
The Body Jeff Wyands Eucharist Church, Jeff Wyands view
The Body Steven Curtis Chapman Steven Curtis Chapman, Surrender, Commitment, Devotion, God's Love, Service, Unity, Worship 7052888 view
The Breakup Song 1 Bart Millard, David Garcia, Francesca Battistelli Bart Millard, Choosing Christ, David Garcia, Francesca Battistelli, Francesca Battistelli, Releasing, Fear, Victory view
The Child of Bethlehem 1 Dan Burgess Dan Burgess, Christmas, Good Friday, Lent, Salvation 1322487 view
The Child With the Star On His Head Sufjan Stevens view
The Chorus of the Saved 1 Trevor Hodge Trevor Hodge 7027770 view
The Christian's Hope Can Never Fail Red Mountain Church view
The Church’s One Foundation 1 55377 view
The Cross Stands 1 Ben Cantelon, Matt Redman, Nick Herbert, Tim Hughes Ben Cantelon, Matt Redman, Nick Herbert, Tim Hughes, Christ, Cross, Overcome, Strength 6521035 view
The Door Jack Mooring, Leeland Mooring, Steve Wilson Jack Mooring, Leeland Mooring, Steve Wilson, Jesus 5520570 view
The Earth Is Yours 1 Michael Gungor Gungor, Michael Gungor, Earth, Worship 5665655 view
The End Gungor Gungor view
The Everlasting Brad Avery, David Carr, Mac Powell, Mark D. Lee, Tai Anderson Brad Avery, David Carr, Mac Powell, Mark D. Lee, Tai Anderson, Honor, Majesty, Praise 4027122 view
The Everlasting Love of God Matt Papa, Matt Boswell, Matt Redman Keith & Kristyn Getty, Love of Christ, Love of God, Matt Boswell, Matt Papa, Matt Redman, Sing! Global, Faithfulness of God, Glory of God, Love, Redemption, Salvation view
The Fall Gungor 6189439 view
The Family Prayer Song Morris Chapman Commitment & Dedication, Morris Chapman, Christian Community, Christian Family, Dedication, Family, Servant 1680466 view
The Father's Heart Gio Galanti, Jorim Kelly Gio Galanti, Jorim Kelly, Glory, Prayer, Proclamation 5636907 view
The Father's House Cory Asbury, Ethan Hulse, Benjamin Hastings Benjamin Hastings, Cory Asbury, Ethan Hulse 7135153 view
The Father's Song 1 Matt Redman Heart of God, Instrumental Worship, Matt Redman, Acceptance, God's Love, Lordship of Jesus, Mystery 2988177 view
The First And The Last Joel Houston, Reuben Morgan Joel Houston, Reuben Morgan, Declaration, Jesus, Proclamation, Singing 5407325 view
The Foundation of His Throne, Psalm 97 Jason Silver Jason Silver view
The Freedom We Know Joel Houston, Marty Sampson, Matthew Tennikoff Joel Houston, Marty Sampson, Matthew Tennikoff, Dance, Freedom, Hope 4591861 view
The Friendly Beasts Sufjan Stevens view
The Glory Of Our King Jess Cates, Jonas Myrin, Matt Redman Jess Cates, Jonas Myrin, Matt Redman, Church, Glory, King, Surrender 5557031 view
The Grace of God 1 Kip Fox Kip Fox, Brokenness, Cleansing, Darkness and Light, God's Love, Grace, Renewal, Sorrow, Suffering view
The Greatest Gift Matt Redman, Peter Wilson Matt Redman, Peter Wilson, Giving, Jesus, Love 4781248 view
The Greatness Of Our God Jason Ingram, Reuben Morgan, Stuart David Garrard Jason Ingram, Reuben Morgan, Stuart David Garrard, Greatness, Proclamation 5660739 view
The Happy Song Martin Smith Martin Smith, Change, Joy, Love, Worship 1043209 view
The Heart of Worship 9 Matt Redman Matt Redman, Michael W. Smith, Sonic Flood, Jesus, Worship 2296522 view
The Heart To Break The Heart 1 Tony Green depression, downcast, France Joli, heartbreak, Loneliness, neglect, sadness, Tony Green, Despair view
The Heathen Bob Marley Bob Marley, Bob Marley & The Wailers, christian reggae, inspirational, spiritual, Struggle, Gospel, Victory view
The Highest And Greatest Nick Herbert, Tim Hughes Nick Herbert, Tim Hughes, Exaltation, Praise, Singing 4769758 view
The Hurt And The Healer 1 Barry Graul, Bart Millard, Jim Bryson, Mike Scheuchzer, Nathan Cochran, Robby Shaffer Barry Graul, Bart Millard, Jim Bryson, MercyMe, Mike Scheuchzer, Nathan Cochran, Robby Shaffer, Sustaining, Healing, Surrender, Sustainer 6293916 view
The Jesus Song 1 André Cronje André Cronje, lovesong, The Jesus song, Praise view
The Jesus Way Jonathan Smith, Phil Wickham Jonathan Smith, Phil Wickham 7217888 view
The King Has Come 1 Eoghan Heaslip, Neil Bennetts Eoghan Heaslip, Neil Bennetts, Eternal Life, King, Kingdom of God, Salvation 5322936 view
The King has Come Stuart Townsend and Kevin Jameison Stuart Townsend and Kevin Jameison, Christ the King 2295729 view
The King is Here 1 Corey Voss, Rhyan Shirley Corey Voss, Rhyan Shirley, Declaration, Glory, King, Palm Sunday, Praise, Presence, Revival, Second Coming, Singing 7085105 view
The King of Love My Shepherd Is 6 Henry Williams Baker, John Bacchus Dykes Henry Williams Baker, John Bacchus Dykes, Comfort, Confession, Death, Grace, Guidance, Love, Mercy, Sheep, Shepherd 40681 view
The Kingdom Of God Kari Jobe, Mia Fieldes, Paul Baloche Kari Jobe, Mia Fieldes, Paul Baloche, Kingdom of God, Purpose, Vision 4874722 view
The Lion and the Lamb 2 Brenton Brown, Brian Johnson, Leeland Mooring Bow, Brenton Brown, Brian Johnson, Freedom, Lamb, Leeland Mooring, King, Power, Protection, Savior 7038281 view
The Little Drummer Boy 1 Harry Simeone, Katherine Kennicott Davis, Henry Onorati Harry Simeone, Henry Onorati, Katherine Kennicott Davis, Mary, Mary's Song, Nativity, Newborn King, Song of Mary, The Harry Simeone Chorale, Jesus view
The Little That I Know David Leonard, David Anderson, Kory Miller David Anderson, David Leonard, Kory Miller, Faith, Goodness view
The Lord Almighty Reigns 1 Terry Butler Terry Butler, Freedom in Christ, Kingship, Lordship of Jesus, Power 1759744 view
The Lord Is My Light 1 Taize Community, Light, Salvation, Trust view
The Lord is My Salvation 4 Jonas Myrin, Keith Getty, Kristyn Getty, Nathan Nockels Jonas Myrin, Keith & Kristyn Getty, Keith Getty, Kristyn Getty, Nathan Nockels, Christian Life, Glory, God's Love, Identity, Power, Praise, Redeemer, Salvation 7063694 view
The Lord is My Shepherd 1 Jeremy Riddle Jeremy Riddle, Baptism, Confession, Grace, Guidance, Mercy, Shepherd 5912360 view
The Lord Our God Kristian Stanfill and Jason Ingram Commitment & Dedication, Faith & Trust, Grace & Mercy, Kristian Stanfill and Jason Ingram, Peace & Hope, Promise of God, Provider, Faithfulness, Guidance, Light, Promise, Protection, Suffering, Trials 6518055 view
The Lord Reigns Klaus Kuehn Klaus Kuehn, Authority, Celebration, King, Kingdom, Praise, Rejoice 4659820 view
The Lord's Prayer Jim Bailey Jim Bailey, Father, Forgiveness, Kingdom, Lord's Prayer, Prayer 1580212 view
The Lord's Prayer 1 Shane Barnard Shane Barnard, Bread, Forgiveness, Kingdom of God, Lord's Prayer, Prayer 5627765 view
The Lord's Prayer Rain for Roots Rain for Roots, Sandra McCracken view
The Lord's Prayer Father, Kingdom of God, Prayer 7102396 view
The Lord's Prayer (It's Yours) 1 Matt Maher, Bryan Fowler, Jacob Sooter Bryan Fowler, Jacob Sooter, Matt Maher, Our Father, Forgiveness, Kingdom, Lord's Prayer 7200544 view
The Lord's Prayer (O Holy Night version) Kevin Bueltmann, Tawn Bueltmann Kevin Bueltmann, Tawn Bueltmann, Christmas, Lord's Prayer, Prayer 7111982 view
The Lost are Found 3 Ben Fielding, Sam Knock Ben Fielding, Sam Knock, Adoration, Creator, Eternity, Forgiveness, God Incarnate, Grace, Justice, Mercy, Praise, Social Justice 5894268 view
The Love of the Father 2 James Ferguson, Rich Thompson CityAlight, James Ferguson, Love of God, People of God, Rich Thompson, Call to Worship, Freedom, Hope, Joy, Love 6635756 view
The Magnificat, He's Remembered Me in Mercy (feat. Joanne Silver) Luke 1, 46-55 Jason Silver Jason Silver view
The Makings of You 1 Curtis Mayfield Curtis Mayfield, Gladys Knight, Children, Joy, Love, Miracles, Righteousness view
The Moon and Stars they Wept 1 Brian Johnson, Kari Jobe, Jenn Johnson, Gabriel Wilson, Joel Taylor, and Christa Black Gifford and Christa Black Gifford, Brian Johnson, Gabriel Wilson, Jenn Johnson, Joel Taylor, Kari Jobe, Kari Jobe 7001228 view
