Registering on this site is completely free and allows you to more fully take advantage of Word to Worship's features such as commenting, adding new songs and adding
stars to your favorites. We don't spam you and won't share your information with anyone else (see our
terms and privacy statement for details).
There are a few options for registering on this site.
#1 Login with Facebook
The easiest way to connect to Word to Worship is using your existing Facebook ID. Simply click on and there is no need to manage yet another user name and password.
#2 Create a new user name
If you don't use Facebook or prefer not to connect it with our site, you can go to the
Create a new account page and choose a user name. You'll also need to specify your email address so we can verify you are a real person.
#3 Register using an existing OpenID account
Go to the
Login page and click on "Log in using OpenID". Then simply use one of the following as your OpenID:
- Google/Gmail — Use
- AOL — Use
- MySpace — Use
- More — See for more options.