You are beautiful, my sweet, sweet song
Chorus 1
You are beautiful
My sweet sweet song
You are beautiful
My sweet sweet song
You are beautiful
My sweet sweet song
And I will sing again
I will sing again
Verse 1
You are so good to me
You heal my broken heart
You are my Father in heaven (2X)
Verse 2
You ride upon the clouds
You lead me to the truth
You are the Spirit inside me (2X)
Verse 3
You poured out all Your blood
You died upon the cross
You are my Jesus who loves me (2X)
Misc 1
You are my strong melody
You are my dancing rhythm
You are my perfect rhyme
And I want to sing forever
Misc 2
You are my Father in heaven
You are the Spirit inside me
You are my Jesus who loves me
CCLI Song No. 2757944
© 1999 Blue Renaissance Music | Hey Ruth Music | Squint Songs | (Admin. by Word Music Group, Inc.) | (Admin. by Word Music Group, Inc.)
Ben Pasley | Don Chaffer | Robin Pasley
For use solely with the SongSelect Terms of Use. All rights Reserved. www.ccli.com
1999 Hey Ruth Music (Admin. by Word Music Group, Inc.),
Squint Songs (Admin. by Word Music Group, Inc.),
Blue Renaissance Music