
Auto Scripture: 
Hebrews 4:16; Revelation 5:9; Psalm 145:13; Psalm 86:5; Psalm 145:18; Psalm 79:6; Psalm 80:18; John 1:49; Psalm 102:27; Hebrews 1:12; Acts 20:24; 2 Corinthians 8:18; Ephesians 1:13; Isaiah 61:2; Job 38:31; Proverbs 27:6; Leviticus 2:16; Psalm 34:18; 1 Corinthians 7:22; Acts 22:28; Luke 15:15; Acts 21:39;
Lowly sinners, coming to Your throne of grace.
Bringing nothing, hoping in the only name that saves.
Undeserved mercy, given on the cross.
Costly grace, righteousness imputed unto us.

By your blood, you have set us free.
The great exchange made at Calvary,
Jesus, Jesus.

Ever faithful to all who call upon your name.
Steadfast Savior, through the ages, God you are the same.
Lead us, Lord, to witness to the gospel of Your grace.
We your people bought to put Your glory on display.

By your blood, you have set us free.
The great exchange made at Calvary,
Jesus, Jesus.
In His love bore the Father's wrath.
Sin defeated to bring us back,
Jesus, Jesus.

You love the orphan, You free the captive.
You are the comfort to all who mourn.
You are near to the broken hearted.
You bind the wounds of the crushed in spirit.
I was that orphan, until You found me.
I was a slave until You set me free.
I am adopted, I have a new name.
I am a citizen of Heaven's kingdom.

By your blood, you have set us free.
The great exchange made at Calvary,
Jesus, Jesus.
In His love bore the Father's wrath.
Sin defeated to bring us back,
Jesus, my Jesus.