One of the key features of Word to Worship is the themes that tie Bible verses to related worship songs. Users can search for songs using tag names explicitly such as "Christmas" or indirectly by Scripture reference such as "Luke 2". Dedicated users can make the site better by adding relevant tags to both songs and Scripture. Only registered, logged-in users can add tags.
Tags are ways of indicating a song or verse is related to a theme or has a certain attribute. Most tags are themes such as the Faithfulness of God or Freedom in Christ. These tie verses with a certain concepts to songs which evoke them. Other tags relate to special times in the church year such as Christmas or Good Friday. Finally, some tags don't relate to Scripture at all but are about categorizing some types of songs such as a Hymn or Children's Song.
For a complete list of tags and explanations of them see the All Tags page. If a song or verse deserves a tag that doesn't exist yet, you can always type in a new tag name and it will be automatically created. However, please be familiar with the existing tags before creating new ones. Theopedia is a good reference for understanding the more theological themes.
The best place to start with tagging is by tagging songs. Simply view a song (while logged in) and you should see an edit tab at the top just under the song title. Click on that end then move down to the tags input line (just above the lyrics). Then add tags separated by commas.
The Verse Tagging page provides a way to add tags to Bible verses. Navigate to that page and enter a Scripture references, such as "Lev 26", and click on the Update button. Then all the verses will be displayed along with a tag input box. Enter all the tags (if any) related to each verse, then click on Save Tags button on the bottom.
The lectionary pages also include a "Add tags" link for each service (if you are logged in). Clicking on that will display the Verse Tagging page primed with the Scripture readings for that service. Additionally, when searching by Scripture reference, at the bottom of the search results there is a link to "add tags to the verses" which also primes the Verse Tagging page with the searched verses.