The Sunday after Easter is Blue Sunday for child abuse awareness. Other related days include Sanctity of Human Life Sunday in January & International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. There are many more, but those come to mind that we observe here. Any suggestions on finding songs for those? It might even be a good idea to start compiling those as a separate lectionary with suggested keywords.
Disclaimer: I'm new to this site as of a few minutes ago but blown away by how useful it will be to me on a weekly basis.
Steve Partlow
Sun, 02/02/2014 - 14:29
Yeah, I'm not sure the best
Yeah, I'm not sure the best place for other special days. My first thought is to make forum posts for any you have ideas on and let others post what songs and keywords they suggest for them (like I did for Blue Christmas). If we get enough ideas I can make a lectionary-like page for them. Right now I don't know of specific readings or themes for them all but as we get suggestions I could see it. I'm up for ideas.
Kim Wortham King
Sun, 09/21/2014 - 22:47
Sanctity of Life
I've been looking for songs that support the sanctity of life. Most of the pro-life songs don't seem appropriate for liturgical worship. C'mon songwriters!