Narrative Lectionary

Does anyone out there use the Narrative Lectionary?

Our pastors/worship committee are exploring whether we want to use it. I'm intrigued, but after 12+ years as a very organized planner using the Revised Common Lectionary, I am also semi-dreading spending much more time in planning.

NL comes with hymn suggestions, and I figured I'd using those and general themes as a springboard, but at first glance I'm having the same songs about God's faithfulness and our trust pop into my head multiple times in the first several weeks.

I would love to see what you've used, or at least collaborate with anyone who might be starting this from scratch!

Steve Partlow's picture

My church used the Narrative Lectionary for a few years. I wasn't on the worship planning team at the time though some resources I've come across include:

* As you pointed out, Working Preacher has some hymn suggestions:
* I'm also still a member of the Narrative Lectionary Facebook Group which has discussions of the text most weeks and sometimes the music as well:
* TextWeek, which is very helpful for RCL, has a NL section but it isn't nearly as well populated:
* And of course I'd recommend this site, where clicking on "Find Related Songs" next to each service suggests songs. I also use the "Top verse tags" (from the top of the search results) which hints at other themes to consider.